
you are #df

another friend of mine!! who gave me a lot of inspiration!! yes! he is #df
sorry if ain't mention his name!! I don't want says on the first time I looked at you or when I met you!! that's too far! :) I just want to share the unforgettable moment that I spend with you!!

At that night you asked me the curious question that I won't answered! I won't answered because I don't want broke up the relation between us which is friendship!!. I have the rules for my life! and I have to obey for it because I want my self respect to mine! All the things that u said to me! is TRUE!! but i couldn't do that even I really want it. and you said on me

''whoever you are. whatever you want to be. we as a friends can accept you whoever you want"

honestly my heart was cried. I realized that I have a great person beside me. you'll be my inspiration! I don't care people talks about you! I know you are best! I know you are kind. and I know you are care!

hey #df
"be strong dude! I smells a success on you! stand on your feet. be your self and give your best"

until now! I need the quality time with you.

you have been the one
you have been the one for me!!

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