Open this photo and zoom into then u can see the information on it!
Story : a friend of mine called #afa broken up with his girlfriend last week. then there are a little informations onto his FB when #afa changed the relationship status on it. I know #afa really love his girlfriend, thats why he still hold on the relationship for more than a year (approximately). But, #afa ever told me that his girlfriend did not support for #afa activity. Let say! #afa wanted to join the committee of one event then he will cover his activity so his girlfriend did not knew for what he did.
dear #afa: I know u still love your gf. I really support for what you did to broke her up. Then you have to be strong on it. responsible for everything you start before. you have to remember Kalo Jodoh Enggak Kemana. do not worry for for what you did. As a man we should listen through our heart. Do what you want to be. Prove it they all wrong!! totally wrong!! Enjoy your single life then. And If you want to change your orientation. Remember! I will accept you in a many way you want to be as a friend.
dear girlfriend: I hope you will read my post! First you were totally wrong for what you treat your boy. You should support your boy! Standing in his back then you will know what is he want to be. Do not bounded like you did before. Now, its your time to introspect your self!! Girl!!
dear third party: Here, I smell a rat on you. I feels like you have a "different" feeling to your girl's friend. Hey!! you shouldn't do that!! and what is your attention to likes your friend relationship status that have been changed. Do you love his girl? But your way to treat them is wrong. !! Get a Life!!
Lucu ya! dimana pacarnya ngedoain temen gw buat ga jadi homo! hahahaha .. dan iseng banget tu pacarnya mau komen-komenin status temen gw!! hey! kalo emang lo beneran mau putus mah tinggalin aja kali!! Kalo masih sayang kenapa harus putus coba? Get a life ya guys!! :D
hahaha sure fik you're very welcome :)