Love Analysis of #AFA

The Dreamaters
Sebuah Kehendak
Waktu adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting dalam hidup ini. Bagaimana kamu menghargai waktu sama seperti kamu menghargai dirimu sendiri. Waktu berjalan tidak menggu perintah dan tidak akan menunggu kamu ketika kamu sudah siap atau tidak. Waktu akan terus berjalan tidak menentu kapan dia akan berhenti. Seperti kamu mendengarkan musik ketika mengetahui lagu itu akan segera mencapai titik hentinya kamu bisa bersiap untuk melihat atau memilih pilihan lagu di dalam playlist yang akan kamu putar. Bagaimana bila kamu tidak pernah mengetahui lagu itu akan berakhir? Itu seperti hidup. Kamu akan mencemaskan semua ini ketika kamu tidak akan pernah tahu kapan titik henti dari hidup. Atau kamu bisa bersiap-siap untuk menghadapi titik henti ini. Apakah kamu menyukai apabila lagu itu dimulai dari titik henti ke titik nol? Pasti ya! Meskipun kebanyakan bilang tidak. Yang kamu rasakan adalah kamu mengetahui kapan sebenarnya kamu bisa berhenti yaitu pada titik nol. Persiapkan lah dirimu untuk menghadapi titik nol. Tidak ada yang pernah tahu kapan titik nol akan datang pada diri mereka sendiri. Entah sebentar lagi atau masih bertahun-tahun lagi lamanya. Nikmati saja lagu dan lirik yang dimainkan playlist-mu suka atau pun tidak suka dia pasti akan terhenti dan melanjutkan dengan lagu yang (mungkin) kamu sukai.
Berlari Untuk Hidup
Berlari adalah bagian dari hidup. Tapi pernahkah kamu menyerupai berlari sebagai suatu kehidupan. Berlari itu adalah hidup. Ketika kamu sedang berlari kamu akan melihat banyak orang yg berlari pula, ada yang setengah lambat, berjalan karena sudah tidak kuat berlari, dan ada pula yang berlari dengan cepat dan berambisius padahal track-nya tidak ada yang pernah tahu kapan harus berhenti. Di sepanjang jalan kamu akan menemukan daerah atau tempat yang baru meskipun kamu tidak tahu apa yang harus kamu lakukan di sana tapi kamu harus tetap berlari. Disana kamu dituntut untuk bisa beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang baru yang licin, berbatu, lurus, berkelok, ataupun basah dan berlumpur. Dalam berlari kamu akan sering menemukan dua atau lebih anak jalan dan kamu meragukan satu dengan yang lainnya, karena kamu belum pernah sekalipun melewati jalan mana pun. Melewati jalan ini kamu tidak pernah tahu kemanakah tujuan dari jalan ini begitu pula jalan yang lain. Apakah jalan ini buntu atau ternyata ada jurang didepan sana. Petujuk jalan bukan hal yang bisa menjadi pertimbangan penting dalam kasus ini yang terpenting adalah keyakinan dalam hati. Bagaimana kamu bisa melewati jalan ini meskipun banyak rintangan disana. Itu adalah seni dalam berlari. Ketika kamu berlari jangan sering kali melihat kebelakang biarkan jalan yang kamu lalui itu menjadi penyemangat mu saja. Itu akan memperlambat larimu ketika kamu melakukan keduanya secara bersamaan menoleh kebelakang sambil berlari menuju depan. Berlari dan terus berlari untuk mendapat sesuatu yang berharga dari hidup ini. Tapi ketika kamu berlari terlalu jauh apakah kamu sadar apa tujuan sebenarnya dari kamu berlari?
the Vacation
Service Project of Unkris
On last October sixteenth I was join the service project on Unkris. Unkris is the name of one university in Indonesia. I just thought when I wanna join that service we're going to help the people around the university as usual. but the fact was I have to clean up the hall on that univ. that so bored when u just came from a long journey and you only have to clean up the hall. and the other participants just felt the same feeling like me. and I ask to Jim Lie, the global peace's person in charge for this event. He told me that this was the way the global peace treated them. means, we (global peace volunteer) willing to clean up the environment around the univ. but the people who belongs to that univ. wouldn't did. OK! I got the meaning but this is so worse. when we (the participants) really not comfortable belong to this event. but we have to as the volunteer. but we so happy and really enjoyed the event even that spend so many time. :p
words of the week!
Ketika kamu bisa bertahan di dalam sebuah keterpurukan dan kamu melewatinya dengan ikhlas.
Dan hanya kamu yg tahu kapan saat yang tepat untuk keluar!
The Green Monster a.k.a. HULK

Hulk!! everybody know he is as a green monster!! but the real fact he is a hero! even sometimes he annoy people around him. But, I don't want to share Hulk as that monster or a hero.
a friend of mine that I knew when I join in KN2010. He is so muscle like hulk then I called him hulk! hulk is the person who have more self-confidentially. Sometimes he do negative thinking to someone!! and that so annoy me!! and the way he talk about the other like I really want to know or curious of them. He tells everybody secrets even I don't want to talk or announce it to everybody and i don't want to know it. and I afraid he do the same way to other when we are not being a closer anymore. he tells about my self to other!!
God creates the people surely with the weakness and strength. - anonymous
Hulk as I called him also have a good side for me. he influence my life side by side that i thought. He really inspiring me, his thought, his problems solved, and his spirits and passions. and I like the way he treat me. because I don't have a big brother who can inspiring my life. So, he is like my big brother. we often argue, and sometime I hate him. sorry hulk!!
Who am I? I am just a human. So, I can forgive the people. Everyone have a mistakes include my self. Nobody is perfect!! - Hulk
Hulk hates when people yelling the Kang Banten 2007 on him. he feels that too much!! and I love to do that hulk!! and he said avatar or aang same like me. God! that I never think like that! we are not same like his thought at me!! huff -___-". Hulk!! do everything that he like!! now hulk doing his training on BNI' 46 for starbucks company branch Summarecon Mall Serpong! Lets hulk do your best!! I believe you'll be a success !!
you are #df
sorry if ain't mention his name!! I don't want says on the first time I looked at you or when I met you!! that's too far! :) I just want to share the unforgettable moment that I spend with you!!
At that night you asked me the curious question that I won't answered! I won't answered because I don't want broke up the relation between us which is friendship!!. I have the rules for my life! and I have to obey for it because I want my self respect to mine! All the things that u said to me! is TRUE!! but i couldn't do that even I really want it. and you said on me
''whoever you are. whatever you want to be. we as a friends can accept you whoever you want"
honestly my heart was cried. I realized that I have a great person beside me. you'll be my inspiration! I don't care people talks about you! I know you are best! I know you are kind. and I know you are care!
hey #df
"be strong dude! I smells a success on you! stand on your feet. be your self and give your best"
until now! I need the quality time with you.
you have been the one
you have been the one for me!!
Mr. Congeniality 2010

It's so a wonderful tonight when the Master of Ceremonial called my name on the winner list!! No fifteen Muhammad Fikhri Hutagalung as a Kang Persahabatan 2010 (Mr. Congeniality). I'm so speechless, every body looked at me! That I remind was Mr. Fauzan looked at me then smile on me! I walked my steps on the stage!
" Every people clap their hand on me and smiling!! I was felt so unbelievable"
Thank for all those support my work, my effort to strive for the best from me! actually we are the winner!! this is only luck! but this is a message from God to responsible for what we did!
little note to recognize what is love
Pada dasarnya Cinta, Sayang, Suka itu sama (refers to audrie's comment) one word LOVE!! we can explore LOVE in many ways. in many side of oppinion, in many ways that you want to be.
"cinta sejati itu cinta yang tanpa syarat apapun itu. -vita dekasari"
Belajar tentang cinta itu mudah. Kita hanya butuh saling menghargai satu sama lain!! baik untuk pasangan ataupun untuk orang yg berada di sekitar kita. Dengan belajar memahami kita mengerti bagaimana kita harus menjaga hati satu sama lain.
dengan menyakini cinta berarti kita juga yakin dengan orang yg kita cintai. percaya bahwa mereka ada untuk kita!!
New Friend of Mine
I met with Andre, the simple person but he is younger than me!! That's no matter with my self! yesterday I have a chance to talked with him. we share a lot of things! movies, cartoons, people, behavior, and so many things! the way that i like when he said!! "I really feels confidence with this environment (refers to his batch of Kang Nong Kab. Tangerang 2008) with andra, putri, and so on. Here I feels my friends can accept everything that I have. and I can ask and share a lot of things to the people who older the me not when i have to play with my friends of the same age. They are so unstable and changed every single day!!" . My first side when I saw him. looks like he is so cool with his style to catch up the attention from every people around him and He is also attractive. Than my conversation continued to talked my behavior! actually I really hate when I have to talk about this one. but that's fine when we have to talked about it. I can't share it here!!
The way that I want to say "Andre, just be your self! Your future smells success on your hand. Aware to your environment, to the people around you. Next time I want to ask What is your first side when you met me. You have to remember! There are several ways if you sure for what you expected"
Kang Nong Kab. Tangerang 2010

A.C.C. on Sport Olympiad
A.C.C. or well known as Accounting Cheerleading Club is a club below the accounting student union!! but that club is not legal enough! we are as a team who only looking for the happiness and lot of lough!! this year we are join the Sport Olympiad Competition of President University as our home base. And this year we are first runner-up!! yippie!! First time when i met the team members i felt doubtful for this year! felt like ACC can't won in this year! in the previous year we are the first winner in the same competition!! this Sport Olympiad have a general winner each year! but, that the prestigious never be the same like the cheers one even the general winner have a higher level on that competition!! FYI: 1 day before the competition held we have a lot of troubles, like the costume that we're order never exist! or the team member fall from high position!!
this picture taken with my junior there is susan who wear the green costume! even we're different major or team we still be a friend like usual

If we ever meet again!
Me : Hi Ben, Its a long time no see u in campus or even in dorm . Where are you?? And how are u Ben??
Ben : I am OK. Thank you so much
Me : Don't Pretend Like that Ben!! I really miss when we laugh together on last celebration!!
Ben : Don't worry about it. cause we are friends right?
Me : Yeah, but the way you treat me it feels like i have a big mistaken!!
Ben : Sorry first!! but we cannot meet just because different major. what i can say is sorry. thanks!!
Me : I just remember when u said you're wanted the boy friend like me!!
Ben! did u ever know I really wanted a friends like you!! who can cheer me up every single time!! but if the problems because only I'm an Indonesia!! sorry for that!! I never wanted to be like that!! but I try to give all the best for every things that I have and I get!!
take care Ben!!
Persembahan Untuk Dita Meskipun Ini Bukan Sajak
meskipun ini sudah seperlima malam
dan berharap belum terlambat untuk berucap
terlihat sebuah persamaan dalam sebuah kata yang diucap CINTA
terdengar seperti kekecewaan dan ketidak puasan atas suatu kenyataan
tersentuh apa yang seharusnya tidak untuk disentuh yaitu hati
terasa seperti hampa ketika menerima semua itu adalah kenyataan yang pahit
yakini Tuhan selalu punya rencana yang indah di depan mata
yakini bahwa akan datang waktu dimana akan adanya kebahagiaan atas semua itu
dan yakini untuk seseorang yang menunggu untuk sebuah cinta
Muhammad Fikhri,
Persembahan Untuk Dita Meskipun Ini Bukan Sajak
Feels Like Home
Makes me wanna lose myself, in your arms
There's somethin' in your voice, makes my heart beat fast
Hope this feeling lasts, the rest of my life
If you knew how lonely my life has been
And how long I've been so alone
And if you knew how I wanted someone to come along
And change my life the way you've done
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I come from
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
A window breaks, down a long, dark street
And a siren wails in the night
But I'm alright, 'cause I have you here with me
And I can almost see, through the dark there is light
Well, if you knew how much this moment means to me
And how long I've waited for your touch
And if you knew how happy you are making me
I never thought that I'd love anyone so much
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way the back where I come from
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
*sedih banget ketika saya menulis blog saya hari ini yang ditemani oleh lagu ini. liriknya yang pas. seolah-olah saya berharap bisa merasakan saat-saat itu suatu saat nanti. aminnn!!
For people who know me (well)
Bismillah ..
Namanya juga penyesalan pasti datang terlambat ...
Entah mengapa saya baru sadar ..
Beberapa hari, minggu, bulan, bahkan tahun yang terbuang percuma selama ini .. Saya tidak pernah melihat kanan dan kiri sekitar saya. yang saya lakukan hanyalah melihatnya ke atas untuk mendapatkan entah itu hanya pengaharapan atas kasih sayang, perhatian, ataupun cinta.
Ketika itu saya yang dipengaruhi lingkungan sekitar ingin juga mendapatkan apa yg mereka dapatkan. karna saya terlalu sering untuk melihat kedepan. sekarang, saya sadar terlalu bodoh untuk berharap yg tidak mungkin terjadi, terlalu bodoh untuk mengharapkan yang sudah jelas tidak mungkin terjadi. emosi yang terbuang percuma hanya untuk melatih kesabaran semoga saja diimbangi oleh naiknya iman dan kedewasaan.
Sekarang saya sangat bersyukur bisa menyadari itu semua sebelum semuanya terlambat. Maaf untuk semua orang yang berada di sekitar saya, Mama + Papa (walaupun mrk ga punya fb), Kakak + Ade, Para Sahabat saya. Karna saya baru tersadar kalian bisa setiap saat untuk saya dan saya tidak pernah menyadarinya sebelumny. Maaf karna saya baru sadar kalian selalu ada buat saya. Cinta dan Kasih sayang yg kalian berikan lebih dari cukup dari yg saya harapkan. Seharusnya saya tidak pernah untuk berharap lebih dari hidup saya. Karna Tuhan pasti memberi semua yang terbaik untuk umatnya.
Terima Kasih Tuhan karna telah memberikan semua orang-orang yg terbaik untuk hidup saya, terima kasih mama+papa+kaka+ade atas semua dorongan dan motivasinya. terima kasih teman-teman semuanya karna telah menjadi warna dalam hidup saya.dan mereka yang pernah menjadi semangat saya untuk hidup, dan semua orang yg memberikan inspirasi untuk saya.
Maturity is a must for a People
"Dunia ini sudah sulit, jadi jangan pernah untuk membuat hidup kamu semakin sulit"
butuh kurasan tenaga untuk membuat suatu kedewasaan. kedewasaan itu sendiri adalah tingkat atau ukuran hidup manusia atas hidup mereka. enggak mudah untuk mendapatkan kedewasaan. terkadang kita engak jarang kita merelakan materi atau hati sekalipun. pada dasarnya kedewasaan itu proses untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih bermanusia. disini kita bisa menghargai orang dan memahami mereka.
"Jangan pernah untuk memaksakan diri anda untuk bisa memahami orang lain. Terkadang kita juga harus egois"
untuk mencapai proses ini. saya menghadapi masalah ringan tetapi cukup berat untuk saya. saya harus melewati masa-masa dimana saya harus menerima kenyataan takdir untuk saya. kecewa dan disakiti adalah hal biasa untuk saya. meskipun kali ini bukan yang pertama namun ini dua hal itu selalu saya rasakan sebagai yang pertama. Kedewasaan!! Saya pun belum dewasa untuk beberapa hal. lingkungan juga sangat mempengaruhi kualitas dan proses menuju kedewasaan itu sendiri. terkadang anda menemukan hal-hal sulit untuk agar dapat diterima oleh suatu kondisi lingkungan.
don't write me off
To find words to go along with a melody
But this time there's actually something, on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines
Since I met you, my whole life has changed
It's not just my furniture you've rearranged
I was living in the past, but somehow you've brought me back
And I haven't felt like this since before Frankie said relax
And while I know, based on my track record,
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I'm asking you is don't write me off, just yet
For years I've been telling myself the same old story
That I'm happy to live off my so-called former glories
But you've given me a reason to take another chance
Now I need you, despite the fact that you've killed all my plants
And though I know, I've already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I'm asking you is don't write me off, just yet
Don't write me off just yet
it's hard to tell you
even I seize the tears for along time
I really sure we can not be together
whether we are falling love each other
the way you look at me
the way you cheer me
the way you makes smile on me
the way you talk to me
I miss that moment
hopes you are always be in side forever
hopes we can laugh all the time
whether I can loving you so much
however we never been together
mari berbuat kebaikan
kamu bisa memberikan apa yang pernah kamu alamin ke temen-temen atau keluarga kamu. rasanya sakit hati atau bahasa vierra-nya itu perih terbayar sudah karena bisa di jadiin pengalaman buat orang-orang yang ada disekitar kamu.
hmm. itu yang sedang saya rasakan sekarang. wow!! my pain is works for now!!
rasanya enggak mau lagi deh kalo harus ngelewatin masa-masa itu lagi. apalagi harus ada yang kedua kalinya.
pengen dehh rasanya bisa terlihat bahagia selalu. bercerita masalah suka gembira ke orang lain dan bisa membuat orang lain tersenyum apalagi bisa tertawa pastinya tanpa menjatuhkan harga diri orang lain dong.
belum lagi semua teori dan ideide yang mujarab itu dibagikan ke teman-teman yang membutuhkan! rasanya Tuhan enggak salah menciptakan umatnya ke dunia. karena umatnya bisa berguna juga buat yang lainnya. :) meskipun teori itu enggak bisa diimplementasikan saya secara langsung!! hehehe .. ^^v
sebelum datangnya hari dimana saya udah enggak bisa merasakan indahnya dunia. banyak hal yang masih saya miliki untuk membuat perubahan untuk dunia ini (tinggi banget) enggak kok cuma untuk orang-orang disekitar saya. enaknya kalo bisa buat sesuatu yang bisa dikenang terus. punya banyak penghargaan. bisa jadi kebanggaan tuhh!!
terlalu sempurna sepertinya bila kita berekspektasi lebih. mental kita juga harus siap kalo tiba-tiba semuanya berubah total. berubah ke dalam kondisi dimana yang enggak kita suka (pastinya). mental kita harus siap!!
dan rasanya kalo kita udah memberikan kebaikan ke orang lain percaya dehh pasti orang itu juga dengan pastinya bakal memberikan kebaikan ke kita juga!!
mari berbuat kebaikan ;)
efek kacamata
mata kiri saya -2.50 dan silinder 0.5 dan mata kanan -1.50 dan silinder 0.5
parah abis itu mahh! sebelumnya silindernya hilang entah kemana. kenapa dehh tu silinder muncul lagi. dan kacamata saya yang biasa saya pakai diganti lensanya. kata tu engkohh jadinya hari jum'at. asikk jadi nontonnya hari jum'at!! (niatnya mau nonton v'days di blitz)
saya dateng lagi untuk yang ketiga kalinya. OMG! kacamata baru ituu enak banget. ibarat lagu itu kaya I can see clearly now - Jhonny Nash wow! jelas banget! heheh tapi kata si kakak . itu mirip banget afgan atau si derby ituu.. arghh! jadi males makenya!! dan tadi evan juga bilang itu mirip afgan!! aduhhhhhhh .. enggak mau!!!
coba liat yahh . pasti beda banget kan!!

beda banget kan!! dengangaya kita masing-masing dan kaca mata yang beda juga!! huh!! jangan samakan saya dengan mereka yahh!!
tepuk-tangan itu belajar tentang sejauh mana mental kita bertahan. Please never expect to get applause! yaiyalah! kita kan harus memberikan sejauh mana kita bisa bertahan. di dalam kondisi apapun! applause itu hanya bumbu-bumbu indah yang bisa dikasih orang lain karena orang pikir itu adalah salah satu rasa menghargai karya atas orang tersebut.
seneng yahh bisa dapet tepuk-tangan dari orang banyak atas kerja keras yang udah dikasih! meskipun rasa menghargai itu enggak harus dengan tepuk tangan, bisa juga sih dengan senyum, atau bersikap baik (at least) itu juga nggak apa-apa kok!! kita juga bisa ngasih penghargaan atas hasil karya orang! disatu sisi kita juga ng-support dia dan di sisi lain mereka juga bisa menghargai kerja keras kita percaya deh (insya allah)!!
in this march lets we campaign "It's Time to Respect"
a friend like Ben
ohh Ben! I miss the way you annoy me :(
Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
I'll never be alone
And you, my friend, will see
You've got a friend in me
(you've got a friend in me)
Ben, you're always running here and there
You feel you're not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind
And don't like what you find
There's one thing you should know
You've got a place to go
(you've got a place to go)
I used to say "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we"
I used to say "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we"
Ben, most people would turn you away
I don't listen to a word they say
They don't see you as I do
I wish they would try to
I'm sure they'd think again
If they had a friend like Ben
(a friend) Like Ben
(like Ben) Like Ben
tonight I text him. until now he didn't reply anythings to me.
Ben. what is going on there!
miss you!!
teach (er) problems .
my friends told me last night .
pertama kenapa sihh guru-guru enggak bisa mature sedikit. menyikapi pergaulan yang ada sekarang ini.
"mam or sir, we are not kids anymore. we grow up! so please do not prohibit to doing
this one or that one. just monitoring us! actually we already know (well) which one is
the good things or bad things"
so please support us! give your advices to make us keep our creativity. sebenernya apa sihh masalah yang ada? ketika sejumlah siswa kreatif memberikan proposal untuk membuat acara antar sekolah? uang? waktu? atau trauma? sebagai seorang yang lebih berpengalaman di tempat kita menimba ilmu. seorang guru harusnya bisa memberikan nasihat dengan tidak membentak muridnya. I am really sure you all know it. your experiences in teaching the student. setidaknya sikapi semua itu dengan cara yang biasa aja. my experience: baru ngeliat siswa membawa segumpal kertas. seorang guru pembina organisasi siswa langsung saja mengkusutkan muka!! plis dehh pak! biasa aja kali ,,
the problems is money? are you sure? I've got something in the college life. kita itu enggak usah seperti pengemis! yang kerjanya hanya meminta!! here!! yang kita harapin itu donation and sponsors. so many companies outside which want to support the event. the problem here only for the concept!
saya pernah membaca artikel dikoran ibu kota. the point is hanya guru yang bisa mengikuti arus pergaulan sekarang ini. hanya dia yang dapat bertahan. benar juga artikel itu! saya setuju benar .. kenapa hanya ada beberapa guru yang bisa menerima perubahan itu!!
letter to God: actually what is the real problems that facing this case!! maybe mindset! the way for the people thought. Thanks God. I have done my high school era . hihihihi
pertama: enggak ada yang bisa disms.
kedua: enggak jadi nonton valentine's day
ketiga: hujan deras!
dan mulailahh hal-hal gila keluar dari pikiran gw!!
tiba-tiba aja ada hasrat pengen nari-nari dan nyanyi-nyanyi kaya kate hudson difilm NINE ..
hahaha .. (that is so impossible) ..
apalagi kalo enggak twitteran dihp ituu!! hihihi .. dan (tararara) kesannya apa aja yahh!! hehehe .. dan gw mau janjian akan bertemu tmen sma dahulu kala . my partner in crime . hhihi .. si om!! (iyahh enggak om) . kita janjian mau nyekoteng! hehehe . akhirnya waktu gw tiba dari giant-melatimas langsung lahh gw tancap motor ke rumahnya. tanpa berbasa-basi kita langsung nyekoteng!! hihih
ternyata tuu abnag sekoteng udah nunggu kita gitu. abis waktu kiita dateng dia udh mempersiapkan spanduk yg bakal dijadiin tmpt duduk! hehehe ..
bercerita pengalaman gw ngampus di PU .. dia juga cerita betapa sulitnya kuliahnya di UMN ..
(kayanya gw baru sadar dehh om, kayaknya masalah kesulitan ini adanya ma kita dehh bukan di kampus kita) hehehe ..
seru banget setelahh lama banget kita enggak ketemu dan mengobrol ria !! (kalo enggak salah td kita mau ngebicarain masalah majalah tempo hari yahh) hehehe .. kita jadi ngelalang buana gitu tadi . hehehe ..
see u next time my besties .. :)
(actually) I likes
I thought a people smelt a rat of me
I afraid
I feel guilty
This situation is not the way looks like in the some movies
when the boys seeks the girls and find out what going on her life
or the way when the boys feel in love with the girls suddenly when he know the girls is love him too
this is only the scenario that I made only just for the doubt
I felt some think wrong in some people so I should figure it out
and today!! I feel guilty
I afraid when I will meet that people
actually, this is a emotional feeling
I like the way when the people smiling to every one
I like the accent that is too east
I like the politeness of that people
God, please don't says if I like that people!! arghhh ..
the power goes down!!
I did my presentation even this presentation is the worse one ( I think)
and don't to remind what I have in morning! the exam!! arghhh!!
I thought I will write my blog in Library! Our Adam Kurniawan's Library!
but the power goes down when I want tried to connect my internet access to the wi-fi area in campus, and suddenly the power goes down!!
apakah sekali kampus ini!! tibatiba saja mati lampuu . without the information before!!
hohohoho ..
tapii lampunya sudah menyala!! taraararara .. (toreng-troreng)
tapi hujan lebat di luar kampus!! tidakk!! saya harus menumpang pulang!! untung ada ka'ola ..
nebeng-nebeng!! asikk!!!
midterm exam : 5th semester
thanks god I have done my midterm today. for all my accounting friends who corporate each other well (absolutely!!) hihhihi ..
my first exam is Entrepreneurship, Mr. Muhril asked to make a business plan for our midterm score grade. In the first month of this 5th semester me and friends of mine done it. now, we don't need to make it (again) thanks sir!!
FYI : my business plan's thickness around 60 - 80 pages. what a great number!! slept in the mid of night :)) . sometimes we forgot to eat . and we leave all of our subject! hahaha the priority just only for this Entrepreneur!! hope I can raise A grade for this subject . amin ..
the second exam which hold in last Tuesday is Auditing 1. ohh I am really disappointed by myself. this is open book exam so I brought all my books. Mr. Faisal said there will be the CPA's question related to the inventory and I brought Mrs. Mila's hand book. Poor am I! the question (CPA's question) looks like familiar before. I've did it but unfortunately I totally forgot! even I brought the book but I didn't brought the answer sheet!! arghhh .
FYI: that CPA's question mark score is 40 and the rest of three question only for 20 marks. even I have answered the theories questions but that not enough! I expect to reach A grade for this Auditing 1. Arghhh!!
the third one is quite happy :) Accounting Information System. This also open book examination, the exam hold in the workshop room. Last night I and Ajeng learned well for this course. We high light all the theories that we thought the question will comes up. And Ohhh. I did it :) the four of six question I can did that. but the rest!! ohno .. hohoho. the rest is about drawing the flowchart. I expect the kids can do that. hehhehe . I just thought the rational one. the logic! hahaha . read the question saw the requirements and did it . hihihi
the fourth is Financial Management. Open book examination (again). I am surprised because the beadle of this exam is TJ. hahaha . we corporate each other. Actually the question is hard enough. Before I cheated sure I must answer the question that I can did. the Theories I copied it from the text book! of course I mixed it with my opinion! hehehe .. And the calculation question . ohh that so hard. I was waited for my friends answers. hehe When I had the answer I would spread it to my next friends. hehehee
FYI: I expect got A for this subject. hohoho
the last one is today! Advance Accounting 1. I worked hard for this course. I slept at 2 am. only for learned (again) what I did before the quizzes, the assignments. and I could not answer those question!! hopeless . there were two questions actually! I only can answer (balance) the second one. My lecturer said that one is the hard one. actually my answer was wrong!! all the answer!! Oh no!! I wishes there are some miracles to marked up my grade score! amin ..
those kind of experience of facing the midterm!! ahhay! I hope my score grade would not disappoint my self and also my family . amin :)
hopes in this semester I can increase my grade . amin !!
rupanya yang berbulu dengan emosional yang cukup menggemaskan . Lihat saja wajahnya raguragu antara mengekspresikan kegembiraan atau kesedihan berbeda dengan tingkahnya .. hehehe . I wish someday I will have one monkey! aminn . satu hal lagi yang yang belum tercapai sejak 2009 . I wish I could take a picture with a monkey in a zoo . dan itu belum terlaksana!!! arrrghhh .
kado terindah 2010 : semoga temanteman membawa saya berfoto bersama monyet!!
FACT : kalo monyet dikasih pisang yg ijo alias yang belom mateng matanya bisa berubah jadi ijo juga lohh ..
a week with Ben
Ben (Actually his name Benjamin and I called him Ben, and He is Chinese) came to me and just want to said a greeting .
me : hey Ben!!
ben : Hey! where are you going?
me : to Resto. I thought I will sick ben!
ben : Ohh really?? sick inside? or outside?
Arrrghhh Benn!! are you kidding me? I sure you guys understand it. understand what Ben means, isn't it?
In every conversation between me and Ben. I always said "Ben, Where is your Girlfriends?" and we discuss all the time about that topic "GirlFriends". haahaha . we also laugh. He admit he didn't need a girlfriends. OK!!
And yesterday he said, hey fikh, I sure I didn't need a girlfriends that I need is boyfriends!!
God! I'm Speechless. I didn't know what I have to answer that statement. hahahaha .. BEN!! I gonna miss you ..
FACT : Ben is a male. he is single. he is not a queer one. he also a hard worker. he Chinese (of course) and he love downloading Jackie-Chan Movies so he likes spend his time so long in campus only for downloading.
we laugh all the time
we talks in every single time
and my life to be with you
YES! you are my friends
my best one
you know me well
you also understand me a lot
now this tears is falling down
when you are not in my side
I miss a thing
one thing is YOU
I don't care what people talking about US
I also don't care even people thought me as a queer
NOW!! I swear I miss you .
tell me what happen to your life today!
we can solve it together, right!
I don't want to cry anymore
YOU are the brave one
YOU are taught one
YOU are cheer-person (gogogo!!)
YOU can cross all your obstacles
I am sure .
Kiong Hi!!
today is Chinese new years or Lunar new year!!
everybody cheer up for arrival of the tiger's year ..
Chinese's people believe when raining comes in the day of lunar year that means you will get more luck in this year . and the day before the Lunar year raining in Tangerang quite drizzly. what does it means? I don't know actually!! hihi
at around 8 pm my father take me to the temple in Tangerang .. wow! amazing . red in everywhere! and smoke absolutely!! I am really happy because this is my second time going to the temple. There is a Barongsai dancing in the middle of the temple and also there is a people wear a costume likes God giving the Wisit(or wasit if I am not mistaken)
I take the picture when I was there ..
1 and 2 picture I take from the outside of the temple ..
3 picture there is a man who praying in front of altar
4 picture is the second altar in the temple that have a lot of fruits and vegetables. and also the paper and light. (FYI: the temple have a rules there is no one allowed to take the meat above the altar)
5 picture is the last one I take it from the back side of temple. full of red lantern .
that's my experiences in the Lunar day . hopes I have a lot of luck in this year also my friends and my family . this year the Chinese new year coincide in valentine's day. beside getting the luck I hope I get the colorful of love in this year!
Today: My father have a plan to take me invite his friends who celebrate the Chinese New Year! Hopes I get more Angpau! hihihi .. Kiong Hi!!
where is my tears?
I really miss while I crying. definitely
I won't crying something that makes me sad.
I just only falling down this tears.
maybe I am a clown or some one else like a cry baby
I am not that person.
People thought I am the person who can laugh everywhere
People thought I am the person who can cheer up in every single time
Shh poor am I
this is just a pretend life.
I never suggest live in this life.
A new friends of mine said just be your self
people feels comfortable besides you
this only for a while.
there the way that we never expect where we goes to
This cry is for the loneliness and the sorrow
This cry that I expect could give freedom
and it could not.
in every smile that I give
in every lough that I should
in every respect that I could
I am only the people who don't have anything for changing
Truth Or Dare

what kind a game? the best one? or the worst one?
huh?? mainan itu telah mengungakapan rahasia terbesar dalam hidup ini kepada teman-teman saya! malu? iyalahh pastinya. disatu sisi kita bisa tahu benar pengungkapan rahasia teman-teman dan membicaraknnya. disatu lainnya itu hanya penyebar aib! membuka rahasia yang disimpan rapih dan terbongkar hanya dengan mainan! hah!! actually I hate that game but I fortunately to that game because of that I can share my secrets that makes me feel free.
Dare? Are you dare enough to do something?? Ohh. I never pick dare! I prefer to tell the truth. Dare is wasting time. Sometimes my friends ask me to do some silly or stupid things.
Saya dan teman biasa melakukan ini ketika bosan sudah datang ditengah-tengah acara malam dikafe atau restaurant atau tempat nongkrong apa saja lahh. kami memulai dengan mainan ini. itu membuat kami merasa lebih dekat. we know and understand each other. saya pernah memainkannya bersama SEBELAS @ McDonalds Kemang above 12am. atau BEREMPAT @ PizzaHut LipCik in dinner time. Sebelas-hanya kelompok teman sepermainan di kampus. saya pikir kami akan lama bertahan tapi waktu yang memutuskan semua itu. Tapi saya senang saya pernah berada diantara kalian walau hanya untuk sementara. ILOVEYOU GUYS!!
Truth or Dare
are you dare enough to tell the truth??
Obsession or Really Love
Ketika saya mulai mencari cinta itu (at that time) saya hanya mencari-cari siapakah wanita yang bisa saya cintai. tapi semua itu tidak dengan hati. apabila saya sudah sangat dekat. semua berubah menjadi sahabat!. ketika saya lebih dekat dengan mereka saya malah membencinya. itu karena mereka hidup dengan kemunafikan! kalau tidak suka bilang saja! toh semua akan berjalan seperti semula! is it true!! mereka hanya mencoba mencari kata-kata yang dapat diterima oleh pikiran tidak dengan logika! (Hey girls that one think you doesn't know about male. male works by his logic).
Ketika cinta itu berlabuh kepada seorang wanita namanya Dianita Kusumawardani. Maaf y ta! saya hanya bisa mempertahankannya untuk dua bulan saja. Saya benci LDR! maaf telah mengecewakanmu! dia pernah saya dekati ketika masa sekolah atas dulu tapi tidak saya lanjutkan karena saya terlalu sibuk dengan rutinitas ketika itu. Ujian Nasional, kursus, tugas, dan berorganisasi. Ketika saya dengan cepatnya mendapatkan Dianita dia pergi dengan cepat pula. kita harus berpisah dengan jarak!!
College Life? siapa yang tidak tergoda berada di asrama yang terdapat pria dan wanita dalam satu asrama yang terpisahkan hanya dengan pagar besi yang sekarang pun sudah koyak. Teman disana-sini berpojokan-pojokan entah apa yang mereka bicarakan! setiap kali bertemu. Di kampus, Resto, Dorm, bahkan tidak sedikit dari mereka yang berada di kamar!! huh!! Iri? hmm. sekarang saya sudah bisa berfikir sedikit lebih dewasa. (saya mengakui masih memiliki sifat kekanakan dalam diri saya).
Belajar tentang Obsesi dan Cinta. itu terinspirasi dari teman saya Adinda Annisa. teman ketika saya Sekolah Atas dia memberikan gambaran tentang konsep cinta atau hanya obsesi belaka. Masalah cinta yang terakhir saya alami. saya mengakui saya tidak benar-benar mencintainya. bukan karena saya ditolak karena kita sudah berteman sejak lama. tetapi saya belum bisa sepenuhnya menerima sifatnya (am I wrong? Yes, I think) dan itu terdapat obsesi-obsesi sampah itu. hasilnya? semua berantakan termasuk persahabatan saya. meskipun kita berdua mencoba untuk tidak membahas masalah itu. semua sudah berubah! itu memang sudah pernah dibicarakan sebelumnya oleh kami berdua dan saya sudah tahu benar resiko yang akan saya dapat! Sekarang saya hanya berharap akan datang seorang pangeran berkuda untuk sahabat saya! Amin.
Mencoba lebih dekat terhadap wanita itu agak rumit bukan untuk urusan bisnis atau pertemanan tapi cinta! (ohh!!) . Saya sekarang mencoba untuk lebih mengenal seseorang wanita. Saya suka bentuk parasnya yang cantik itu. Sikapnya? belum tahu benar. Wataknya pun demikian. Cerdasnya? yahh saya tahu itu. GPAnya 3.9 untuk ukuran anak baru! wow amazing! dia gemar membaca dan menulis blog! saya harap dia suka menonton! hehe .. tapi semua itu saya lakukan harus dengan hati-hati. apabila Tuhan memberikan kesempatan untuk mengenal dirinya lebih dekat. saya harus tidak terpancing emosi cinta itu. pelan! make sure! and do it! hehe. saya tidak mau kecerobohan itu berulangkali terulang-ulang. Now, Saya harus berkenalan dulu pastinya! agar semuanya berjalan mulus. Membenahi behavior saya yang cukup berantakan. dan memulai untuk mendekatinya.
International Language
Back to the case, I study in the English Environment. I am not admit my English is good but I can understand what people said. I think I want to improve my language skills. Add the other one. the Dutch! yeah I am so interested in Dutch even they colonize my country. Unfortunately, the Dutch is not the one of UN official language. According to UN site they have six official language. English, China (Mandarin), Spain, Russian, French, and Arabic. Ohh Poor am I. I too exited in the Dutch!! Now, I should add one of those language. hmm. what the interested one? Arabic? Yeah I am Muslim. I should know the Arabic but I don't understand. Russian? My older sister very interested with this country. and she know well the Russian. the political view, economical, ohh!! gosh! am I should learn this language? China? My friends told me. He learned it since he was in primary school. And Mandarin is the hard one to learn. He told me never believe in some course that promises only three month to learn Mandarin.
I should pick one. that belongs to French or Spain. Many people like French they said French is a romantic language. when someone speak French other thought is so sexy. However I pick Spain! Its so cool I think! perhaps I can speak Spain soon. ohh hopefully! I wanna work and life abroad. God Please help me! Thank you.
open this link to prove that UN Language.
Hey Hablina!!
hablina arifianti that is her name. she is one of my besties. pertama kali ketemu. yuph! Home Resto (kamu inget gag nin). saya sedang menunggu makanan datang yang lamanya minta ampun. maklumlahh I'm Indonesian. kalo makan gratis antrinya panjang! jadinya lama bnaget nunggunya. nahh nina ini duduknya dimeja ujung deket pintu. I'm Fikhri! how about you . SKSD! that the trick when I wanna make the friends relation. hahaha . cekikikan aja disapa belaga kenal deket!! hahaha ..
setelah itu kita bersama all the time!! sampe buat acara bareng Mr. And Ms. PU 2009 . we were in the same division exactly on event div. karna saya sibuk dengan event-event dan tugas saya dan Totally forgetting nina. I really sorry for that!! bukan karena saya memiliki teman-teman baru. A BIG NO!! tapi memang karena saya sibuk! dan saya belum bisa membagi waktu untuk berkumpul dengan kamu :( .
I'm Realize she is the bestbestbest friends ever I had. she know what I wants. She also understand me a lot. Here I would like to said thank you so much nin!! Please stand besides me for a long time. Sorry for the past! Lets fixed my mistakes. And Cheer up together!! ILOVE YOU MYBESTIES . HABLINA!!
I'm happy be a part of them
This semester of my college life. I signed up for the campus organization called PUSU. That is President University Student Union. Before I chose PUSU as my organization. I'm just the ordinary student like the other. But, I like to help my friends in order to organize their events. Since junior high school I am an active student. I have a lot of experience in event through my life. In the first election of President of PUSU I am the head of campaign team of Evan and Agus. But, they defeated by Arif and Yosi. There are so many obstacle after the election began. And I have to support the winner even my team lose in the election. that's why I am joining the PUSU. Now, I being a part of PUSU in Student Affair Department as chief student activity division. wow! that a great experience. Now! I really wanna to says thank you so much for you all guys to believe in me for the job!.